As I was looking into purchasing a bike rack, I realized there's one aspect of using a rack that people don’t always think about. We consider whether a bike rack is compatible with your car or...
Nothing ruins a bike ride like a flat tire. There’s always the urge to keep riding after your tire goes flat. But that may not be such a good idea. Let's take a look at what could possibly happen...
I purchased my first bike with drop bars when I was 16 after saving every dime I could muster from my summer job. I thought I was the coolest thing on the road when I got into that aerodynamic...
Bar spins are possible with any brake set up, even a straight cable brake system set up.
U-brakes are standard on most freestyle bikes, and many also incorporate a detangler or Gyro braking...
Road bike advertisements love to use terms like "speed" and "efficiency", while recumbent bikes are marketed towards individuals seeking "comfort" and "joint-friendliness." But do we have this all...
Having a water bottled attached directly to your bike helps to keep you hydrated and happy on your rides. But, if your bike is missing a bottle cage (or if your old one broke) then you might be...