You love your bike, and you want it to last for many, many miles. Regular tune-ups are the best way to show your bike some love and keep it riding safely and smoothly for a long time. Also, if you...
Posts by JJ
With all of the different types of bike trainers on the market, it can be hard to choose the right one for you. One often overlooked aspect of a bike trainer is the noise level. If you live with...
Most people give a pause when it comes to getting their helmet wet, whether to wash it or take a ride in a gentle shower. After all, lots of the components of our bikes shouldn’t be in the water...
Bike tires are mostly known for simple flats. However, you may have heard (or experienced) horror stories of bicycle tires exploding, either in storage or while a cyclist is on the bike! So,...
Are you tired of running into thorns, glass, or other debris and having to patch and replace your inner tubes constantly? If so, then you’ve probably heard of using tire liners to prevent frequent...
Sore butt? I've been there. And if you're riding on a new bike seat, then this naturally raises the question: Will I get used to my bike seat? Generally, you will get used to your...