The majority of grips for bike's with flat handlebars have a standard internal diameter of 22.2 mm, meaning that most handlebar grips are the right diameter to fit over standard-sized bike...
Archives: Blog
If you’re a novice cyclist or someone who’s just beginning to upgrade, you may be surprised that a lot of high-end bikes don’t have kickstands. After all, if you’re upgrading why lose a...
10 Reasons Mountain Biking is so Fun! (Is It Your Next Hobby?)
If you’re looking to try out a new, outdoorsy, fitness-related hobby, allow me to introduce...MOUNTAIN BIKING! In my (totally unbiased) opinion, mountain biking is the most fun outdoor activity...
Mountain biking really isn’t that hard to learn. In one year, I was able to learn many of the fundamental skills needed to enjoy the sport safely and go from riding easy trails to intermediate and...
Cycling shorts are worth the cost and effort of using them, IF you're serious about cycling and will be doing relatively long, frequent, or rigorous rides. On the other hand, if your idea of biking...
Can You Wear Cycling Shorts Under Pants, Shorts, (+ 3 More)?
You can wear cycling shorts underneath pants, shorts, jeans, tights, a skirt, or a wetsuit for that matter. The main thing to remember is to not wear anything underneath the padded shorts. Never let...