As I was looking into purchasing a bike rack, I realized there's one aspect of using a rack that people don’t always think about. We consider whether a bike rack is compatible with your car or...
As a vegan, you make the effort to avoid eating meat and dairy products. You avoid wearing leather jackets and snakeskin shoes, but what about your bike? Although it is good for the planet to park...
On a recent bike trip, a downpour sent me running for cover. But when the rain eased up to a maneuverable amount, I had to get back on the road to make it to my destination before dark. Would I get...
You probably don't give much thought to your bike rack. You put it on your car, you load up your bike, and you hit the road. You might even lock your bike to your bike rack when you run inside a...
I'm a new dad to a baby girl, and I love to bike.
If you're also a parent and want to get your kid out on a bike ride with you, then at some point you'll need to consider the following...
Many bike seats are gender specific...but is this really necessary? For instance, could a man use a woman's bike seat, or vice versa?
A man can use a woman’s bike seat depending on his personal...